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Pledge 1% Program wants to help companies become more charitable
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)

San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper), December 2, 2014
Posted: December 7th, 2014

A campaign launching Tuesday aims to get growing businesses to do what San Franciscos did in its infancy 15 years ago: Promise to donate 1 percent of its equity, 1 percent of its employees time and 1 percent of the firms products to charity. Called the Pledge 1% Program and led by Salesforce and others it aims to get 500 other corporations to do the same over the next year. Those who have bought into the idea have seen other benefits. Its good for business, too, said Bradley Heinz, program manager at The San Francisco company which includes several top execs who used to work at Salesforce is participating in the program. If a younger company can make philanthropy part of its DNA when it is smaller, it will become a way of life as it grows. It is somewhat easier to convince a young firm to volunteer time and offer its product at a deeply discounted rate. San Franciscos income inequality divide the fastest-growing in the country is inspiring other growing companies to look at what they can do to help. Employees at Practice Fusion, a cloud medical records company in San Francisco, decided that they would take $50,000 that would have been used for their holiday gift and give it to the poor. People were not that into the gifts and schwag, said Practice Fusion CEO Ryan Howard. They wanted to give back.

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