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CIA files reveal how U.S. used psychics to spy on Iran
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Miami Herald

Miami Herald, February 10, 2017
Posted: February 13th, 2017

The dozens of American diplomats taken hostage by revolutionary students who seized the U.S. Embassy in Iran in 1979 might have had some secret company during their 15-month captivity: U.S. intelligence agencies had a squad of military-trained psychics using ESP to watch them, according to declassified documents in a newly available CIA database. In an operation code-named Grill Flame, half a dozen psychics ... on more than 200 occasions tried to peer through the ether to see where the hostages were being held, how closely they were guarded and the state of their health. Whether the psychics provided any useful intelligence was the subject of a debate among intelligence officials as heated as it was secret. The debate continues today. The stuff that the CIA has declassified is garbage, one of the Grill Flame psychics, Joseph McMoneagle, told the Miami Herald. They havent declassified any of the stuff that worked. Agreed Edwin May, a physicist who oversaw parapsychology research for government intelligence agencies for 20 years: The psychics were able to tell, in some cases, where the hostages were moved to. They were able to see the degree of their health. Operation Grill Flame was just one part of a broader U.S. intelligence project involving psychics and ESP that continued for 20 years. It went through as many as 10 different code names as its management shifted from agency to agency ... and carried out 26,000 telepathic forays by 227 psychics before the government shut it down in 1995.

Note: Read more on McMoneagle's work as a psychic for the US military. For more excellent, well resourced material on remote viewing and why the intelligence community continues to deny its successes, see this webpage.

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