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'Jeffrey Epstein didnt kill himself' meme pops up on MSNBC
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Fox News

Fox News, November 12, 2019
Posted: November 19th, 2019

The sentence Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself has emerged as a pop culture catchphrase popping up on TV and on memes across social media, sometimes creating awkward moments when people question the narrative surrounding the now-deceased sex offenders mysterious death. The statement was uttered by an attendee of last weekends University of Alabama-Louisiana State University football game when an MSNBC reporter inquired what students thought about President Trumps decision to attend the event. MSNBCs Monica Alba asked a student what he liked about the president but didnt receive the answer she expected. I would say mainly just the no-nonsense policies and especially since Jeffrey Epstein didnt kill himself, a student identified as Parker said on live television. New York City Medical Examiner officially listed Jeffrey Epsteins death as a suicide by hanging. However, everyone from forensic experts and social media sleuths to ABC News anchor Amy Robach have suggested there is more to the story. Robach said on an infamous hot mic video that was leaked to the media from within ABC News that she 100 percent thinks Epstein was actually murdered. He made his whole living blackmailing people. There [were] a lot of men in those planes, a lot of men who visited that island, lot of powerful men who came into that apartment, Robach said. "I knew immediately."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on Jeffrey Epstein from reliable major media sources.

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